
Due to weather, The Great Canadian Kilt Skate – Calgary has been postponed to Monday, February 17 from 12-3 pm.

U/D Welcomes Visitors to Circle the Wagons

November 16, 2016

There’s a new view to be seen in Calgary.

On your average day, University District boasts visions of the Rocky Mountains to the west and wide-open green spaces to the south. Each outlook is peppered with ponds, park pathways and plenty of bird watching in-between.

On September 10, the blue-sky vistas and green panoramas were temporarily speckled with images of flying circus performers and bouncing crowds— literally — some were in inflated castles; others were hopping and bopping to the sounds of live music. But each and every one was eager to enjoy the vast 200-acre University District space while taking in 2016’s Circle the Wagons.

University District partner builders Truman and Brookfield Residential were on site, meeting and greeting those who came to enjoy the festival and check out Calgary’s new urban village and master-planned community.

“It’s wonderful to see so much excitement around the area,” says Oliver Trutina, vice president Truman. “I think it’s because it’s truly one of the most unique opportunities for urban living in any city in the world. While the community is in proximity to downtown, you’re also on top of the mountains.”

The partner builders took the opportunity to answer questions, meet with locals and even accept early deposits from potential new community members. They, too, enjoyed fun in the sun at Calgary’s travelling delight of local food, music, art and performance brought to the city by BassBus, YYCFoodTrucks, Village Brewery and University District.

Truman patriarch George visited the pop-up barbershop for a moustache trim, while the Brookfield Residential team kept it green and handed out reusable water cups to the revelers.

“The warmth and wonder of the day went beyond the weather,” says Maureen Henderson, director of marketing and communications, West Campus Development Trust. “We thank our partners and supporters wholeheartedly for helping to make this extraordinary occasion come together in this special place,”

“What a perfect opportunity for visitors to University District to experience the area and begin to see how this community will come to life.”

Families flocked to take in the sights (including the incredibly cute afternoon ‘wiener dog’ races, as well as thrilling aerial stunts from numerous acrobats), taste the wares from Calgary’s favourite food trucks, sip on suds from Calgary’s craft beer experts, and groove to the sounds of some of North America’s newest and brightest musicians and bands.

Village Brewery founder and Circle the Wagons organizer Jim Button says the travelling carnival was eager to partner with University District in 2016 because of shared values.

“We both understand how great this city is,” he says.

“I think people in Calgary’s Northwest were truly amazed by the combination of our carnival and the beautiful scenery and urban sensibilities that the University District is bringing to their quadrant. We were so happy to share this day with our friends and neighbours.”

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