
Winter-Proofing Pets: Seasonal Fun, Learning and Safety for Furry Ones!

by University District

As the seasons change, we are turning our attention to planning for pet fun, wellness and safety during the winter months.

From outdoor gear, to paw-waxing, to night-time safety measures, there is lots to ponder to prepare our pets for harsh weather, dark nights and preventing boredom from setting in. This is especially important when long walks and hours at the dog park are so chilly it’s almost silly!

Lucky for us there is an expert local resource on Retail Main Street – Pet Planet. We spoke with owner Debbie Bauman about the wintertime tips for you and your pups.


When the wind starts to whistle and howl, the snow flurries and the ice builds, do dogs benefit from an extra layer of protection?

“Consider a fleece coat or knitted sweater for short-coated pets,” says Debbie. “Long-hairs are usually fine au naturel!

“Great for winter, we love the idea of glow in the dark and light-up leashes and collars. Nightfall comes fast here in Calgary in fall and winter months, so safety measures are a must. We have a nice selection of glowing accessories that signal you are out and about to drivers and cyclists.  Being seen with your pet at night will bring you peace of mind and reduce risks.”


Debbie suggests being wary of the drying damage that salt on roads and walkways can cause for pet’s paws. There are several bootie options for wet days and full tread booties for the harshest times.  She also recommends a good layer of good quality paw wax.

“A layer of wax goes a long way to ensuring healthy, conditioned paws all winter long.”


When temperatures drop it can be tricky to tire out your pups outside. Find local agility and training classes for some indoor activity. Your pooches can practice all winter and be ready to show their stunts come spring at the U/D dog park. Explore classes close to U/D at Pawztracks.ca here in the NW.


Winter becomes a muddy, messy, soggy, sloppy time for dogs and their people. Luckily, many of the U/D residential buildings have on-site dog washing stations. How best to keep pets clean and comfy in the winter weather?

“I encourage spot cleaning our pets versus full blown cleanings any more often than once a month or once every two months,” says Debbie.

Zoning in on the paws, snout and underbelly with a cloth or towel prevents the risks that too much product or water — especially hot water — can cause. Make a game of cleaning time with a bright cloth disguised as a toy. Pop on some music and be quick and happy when cleaning your pet. They don’t just feed on dog food…they feed on your paws-itive energy too!

“Did you know that Pet Planet also has a DIY dog washing station? There is a bay with shampoos and conditioners all there for you to clean and blow your pet dry,” says Debbie.

“Consider a rinse after a muddy walk to carpet-proof paws, haunches and paunches!” suggests Debbie. “You can drop in, first come first served, for a rinse charged in 15-minute increments. We do ask people to bring their own towels.”

Stay safe, sustained and upbeat with a little winter planning for you and your pooch! See you at the dog park, on the trails, down the Pet Planet aisles, or at the washing stations this winter! Be safe, be smart and be loved by your pet this wintertime!

We learn what makes Pet Planet different and what it offers from U/D shop owner Debbie. Follow and share your thoughts about our new retailers with University District on Facebook, @udistrictyyc_ on Instagram and Twitter, too!

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