
Due to weather, The Great Canadian Kilt Skate – Calgary has been postponed to Monday, February 17 from 12-3 pm.

Fine Grinds: Best Coffee Shops In The Northwest

June 6, 2017

Whether it’s iced, black or free trade, coffee is a fixture in the lives of countless Calgarians. From the early morning commuters, to late-night studiers, to mid-afternoon café-enjoyers, many share the appreciation of a good brew, as seen from the growing number of coffee shops appearing across the city.

For many of us, a day without coffee is like a day without sun—dark, cold, and thankfully not something we have to experience all that often in a city as bright as Calgary.

While a perfect coffee isn’t always easy to find, the Northwest offers up brews to suit almost any taste. Fortunately, University District is within walking distance to some of the best coffee in Calgary, and in the near future will be host to a coffee shop of its very own!

These are some of our top picks for best local coffee:


A Northwestern staple, known and beloved for not only serving a great cup of coffee, but homemade eats perfect for all occasions, including any that need to be catered. It’s easy to see why the Loaf is a Calgary fixture.

Taste the Kettle bread and you know the recipe for the nine-grain, homemade loaf was not developed overnight. Building upon recipes handed down through generations, Michel and Helen Labonté built the Lazy Loaf and Kettle, and it has grown into a local favorite, and for very good reason. The old-fashioned cinnamon buns; homemade soups and sandwiches; and baked goods from Grandma’s recipe box have built a base of loyal customers and committed staff for over twenty years.

Stop in for cozy atmosphere and some incredible homemade fare.

Located at: #8 PARKDALE CRESCENT NW| (403) 270-7810



An all-ages favourite, Euphoria Cafe has been serving up authentic eats and organic cofee since opening in 2009.

Offering ample space, friendly staff, and a patio perfect al-fresco beverages, the cafe hits the mark for providing great atmosphere. Even better: the cafe’s food menu offers a selection of freshly baked and locally sourced goods—including their much beloved waffles, pressed sandwiches and macarons.

At its core, Eurphoria cafe is about inclusion: creating a place for all to enjoy healthy fare in the neighbourhood. They’ve created a place where welcoming to friends and family—whether it’s bringing kids by for after dinner ice cream or a regufe for students looking to finish homework in an elevated environment.

Located at: 5403 Crowchild Trail NW | (403) 313-0503


Only a stone’s throw away from University District, this Good Earth location can be found within University of Calgary’s impressive Taylor Family Digital Library—a window-to-ceiling glass building nestled in the middle of campus.

More important than Good Earth’s location is its commitment to good coffee.

With a focus on environmentally friendly and socially responsible farming, Good Earth is a Calgary-born brand that knows a good cup of coffee is about more than just the taste (but admittedly the small batch, slow roasted beans are delicious). Good Earth also offers a selection of healthy, hearty snacks perfect for lunch and breakfast, whether you’re studying or not.

Stop in to sample the collegiate experience and pick up a sustainably sourced brew.

Located at: 410 UNIVERSITY CT NW | (403) 289-8700



While a new addition to the Northwest, Deville Coffee is hugely popular around Calgary and loved for its beautifully designed interiors, impressive latte art, decadent drinks (think Nutella mochas), exceptional coffee, and phenomenal food. In essence, Deville can do no wrong.

Known for stylish décor and ultra-friendly staff, Deville’s Market Mall location is within walking distance of U/D, presenting itself as the ideal stopover during your mall-trip and the best opportunity for a coffee photo-opp.

Stop in with friends and family for a break from shopping for an indulgent snack or beverage.

Located at 3625 SHAGANAPPI TRAIL NW | 403 990-1185


Higher Ground’s new Capitol Hill location is within striking distance of U/D, a welcomed addition to the popular original location in Kensington.

Higher Ground takes the cake (and delicious cake at that) for best atmosphere amongst our line-up. Both cozy and spacious with a number of windows and sleek lighting, it’s the perfect choice for date night, studying, work meetings and everything else in between.

Featuring an impressive range of organic coffee varieties and coffee-based beverages, Higher Ground’s baristas know their way around a beverage, and the shop offers a range of homemade snacks, food and desserts, making it a new/old Northwest favorite.

Come by to check out the new location and for a healthy selection of fine grinds.

Located at: 2502 CAPITOL HILL CRESCENT NW | (403) 668-1175

Have a favourite coffee place around the Northwest that we should check out or a go-to place around YYC that should set up in our neighbourhood? Make sure to let us know on Facebook and Twitter!

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