
Due to weather, The Great Canadian Kilt Skate – Calgary has been postponed to Monday, February 17 from 12-3 pm.

Celebrating Another Great Summer at U/D

August 22, 2024

As summer comes to a close, it’s the perfect time to reflect and look back on the great milestones our community achieved this season. From new retailers opening to hosting successful events, here’s a recap of our summer at U/D: 

U/D Night Market series

This season’s U/D Night Market kicked off in May, with two more markets planned on August 28 and September 25. We’ve had an incredible time hosting amazing vendors and local talented performers like the Chinook Country Line Dancers, Kate Stevens and Kearstin Pfeifer, collectively making each U/D Night Market unique and vibrant. 

We are happy to share that the U/D Night Market – Holiday Edition has been named a finalist by the BILD Alberta Awards for Best Community Event and Central Commons Park was named a finalist in the Best Community Feature category! This recognition acknowledges the hard work and dedication we’ve put into building community connections through our events and community spaces. 

A big thank you to all of you who came out, supported local businesses and helped make the U/D Night Market – Holiday Edition a success.

Meet Some of our U/D Night Market Vendors

Meet ‘from kayla’:

Meet Kayla, the owner of ‘from kayla’, a handcrafted candle company that launched three years ago. Kayla has always used crafting as a creative outlet. She started designing scents and candle making while she was in school, discovering the joy of creating something beautiful for others. Encouraged by friends, Kayla decided to turn her passion project into a small business. 

She handcrafts all of her products from home and finds it a great way to ease stress and anxiety. When asked about the impact that the U/D Night Market has on her business, Kayla shared that these events are critical for sustaining her business and offer a wonderful opportunity to connect with the community. To learn more, explore Kayla’s website here.

Meet Citrus and Spice YYC:

Introducing Caitlin, owner of ‘Citrus and Spice YYC’, selling cocktail infusion kits, flavoured simple syrups, mulling spices and more. Three years ago, Caitlin began testing different ingredients and creating unique infusions for herself and her friends to enjoy during their weekly pandemic Zoom parties. Her infusions were well-received by friends and family, and what started as a personal project snowballed into a business. Caitlin’s involvement with the U/D Night Market has become an important outlet for her business. These markets are important for Caitlin, allowing her to meet and connect with her customers face-to-face. To explore the Citrus and Spice YYC Etsy Shop, click here.

Tails & Treasures Recap

The U/D Night Market wasn’t the only highlight of the summer. In June, we hosted our fifth annual Tails & Treasures, an event for dogs and dog lovers alike on Father’s Day. The afternoon was filled with a variety of entertainment, from the fantastic performance by the Global Pet Foods Super Dogs to live music from the Manik Men. We extend our gratitude to everyone who participated in this fun and wildly successful event.

Welcoming New Retailers 

This summer was also a time of growth for the U/D community as we welcomed three new retailers: Bronze Baxx is a luxury tanning studio offering state-of-the-art tanning in addition to cryotherapy, spray tans, infrared sauna, Ballancer Pro, red light therapy and hydration stations; Flowers & Beyond is a local flower shop with a fine selection of fresh-cut flowers and unique custom arrangements; Lagree YYC is a reformer pilates studio that uses slow and controlled movement performed on a unique piece of equipment – the Megaformer. It’s a pleasure to welcome these amazing retailers to our community.

Breaking Ground on Autumn by Homes by Avi

It was all smiles as we celebrated the groundbreaking of Autumn by Homes by Avi, a significant milestone for our community. Now 70% sold out, Autumn provides an ideal mix of comfort, convenience, and urban condo living, right on Retail Main Street, and conveniently located a short walk from the University of Calgary. You’ll also be at the centre of the community, just steps away from fantastic retailers like Monogram, The Alley, Fuwa Fuwa, Staples, Village Ice Cream and so much more.

A Preview of Upcoming Events 

Missed out on the summer fun? Fear not! We have many more exciting events lined up for the next few months, including the final two U/D Night Market events happening on August 28 and September 25 and the U/D Block Party on September 15, 2024. We’re thrilled to bring these events to you and hope you’ll join us for the festivities. 

RMHC Hustle for the House Walk/Run

The Ronald McDonald House Charities® (RMHC) Hustle for the House Run is taking place on September 29, right here in U/D! Gather your friends, family, coworkers and neighbours at Central Commons Park for a 1km, 5km or 10km walk/run in support of RMHC. This cause is especially dear to us at U/D, as the Calgary House is a close neighbour, providing essential services to our community and families across the province. To register as an individual or team, click here.

We want to hear from you! Take part in the University District Community Survey and play a role in shaping U/D’s future. Plus, you could win one of two $100 gift cards to Save-On-Foods! The entry for the draw closes on August 25, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. MT.

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